
There are 142 Newspapers in the State of Alabama.

Alabama Newspapers

There are total 142 Newspapers available in Alabama state. The biggest Newspaper according to circulation is BIRMINGHAM NEWS and serving city is BIRMINGHAM. The Smallest newspaper in Alabama state is HARTFORD NEWS – HERALD and circulation city is GENEVA. There are 8 newspapers which published from Monday to Sunday in Alabama state.

The total circulation of newspapers in Alabama state is 1988367 which compared to United states of America is 161,108,977.

In Alabama 41 newspapers are in free circulation and 108 Newspapers are paid circulation. Biggest page depth Newspaper in Alabama is DEMOCRAT-REPORTER newspaper with page depth of 24.5 and smallest page depth paper in Alabama is OPELIKA OBSERVER with page depth of 0.

Newspapers in Alabama

All types of publications, and editions including: Advertiser, Advisor, Advocate, Bulletin, Chronicle, Citizen, County, Courant, Courier, Daily, Democrat, Dispatch, Enquirer, Examiner, Gazette, Headlines, Herald, Independent, Journal, Leader, Ledger, Messenger, News, Newspaper, Online Edition, Pilot, Post, Press, Record, Recorder, Register, Reporter, Republican, Resident, Review, Sentinel, Spectator, Standard, Star, Sun, Telegraph, Times, Times-Journal, Today, Town, Tribune, Union, Voice, and Weekly Newspapers.